Brothers Arms was established in July of 2017 out of my basement in my home. I, Clayton Bricker decided to get my Federal Firearms License (FFL) solely for the purpose to put a stop to all the price gouging by local gun dealers and franchises. We strive to help our community stay safe and offer reasonable prices and a fair market value to earn your respect and hopefully your future business.
In June of 2018, a fellow brother and I became certified through the USCCA to be a Certified Firearms instructor. This was accomplished to better our services and knowledge for our community. Just one life saved makes it all worth it!
In October of 2020 Brothers Arms relocated at:
14385 U.S. 71 Business
Savannah, MO 64485
We continue to grow and live the American dream because of all of you.
Thank you so much for supporting us!